These animations have taken HOURS of my time so I would love to see them used!
Just copy them as you would any other clipart - right-click, "Save as," etc.
(Please save to your own hard drive and do not link to mine!)

NEW!! These images now ALL have transparent backgrounds and can be used on any colour page

Guide badge

Rotating badge (large)
Guide badge

Spinning badge (large)
Guides walking

Guide & Guider
Guide badge

Small spinning badge
Brownie salute

Brownie salute
Brownie waving

Brownie waving

Guide salute

Guide salute
GS salute

...and by special transatlantic
request, GS salute

dividing bar

Guide badge divider #1

dividing bar

Guide badge divider #2

dividing bar

Brownie badge divider

If any of these animations seem jerky, allow the page to load completely
and then hit "refresh" (MIE) or "reload" (Netscape) and they should run better.

Holderness Rangers' Animations       Holderness Rangers' Clipart
Please use one of these buttons to link to this site if you use any of my clipart.

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Craft ideas | More clipart | Fundraising ideas | Links

Looking for Christmas Clipart? CLICK HERE!